Saturday, 17 October 2015

How to improve performance of weak student in study

Today’s students are dependent on other things means that some students are weak in mathematics then those students are depend on electronic calculator. All are totally and seriously affected on their education as well as future career.  So, the student makes lazy and academic performance goes slow or weak. So, we are trying to tell through our Article. Now, most important and highlighted change in students is they are totally depending on private classes. Before 10 years, students are totally depended on school studies not depend on private classes. Students are not using their brain for study or other things.

Example: “In Tare jamin par” movie these child has interested in painting but his parents were not supported these child. So, he was uninterested in school education.

Different causes behind academically weak student:

    1.     Student suffering from problems related to difficulty learning or modern learning.

    2.     Lack of appropriate classroom environment such as heating in winter and cooling in summer leads to poor academic achievement.

   3.  Not the appropriate choice of friends that means naughty and unmotivated students.

   4.     Practice is limited not extra study does.

   5.     In school area, busy noise negatively affects academic achievement.

   6.     Poor educational level of parents can negative impact on child’s education.

   7.     The nature of misunderstandings between teachers and weak students.

   8.     Weak student are unsupportable home life or family. 

   9.     The weak students need is the comfortable atmosphere in the classroom and a need to trust his teacher first.

   10.   Poor learning strategies.

  11. Lack of concentration due to TV, mobiles and other electronics devices instead of physical games.

Improve those students who are academically weak with different techniques:

       1.  Encourage:
         Encouragement plays an important role in the success of a child. Teachers should find his/her strengths of weak students and go with his/her strengths. Confidence level of a weak student increases and he will improve.

     2.    Teacher give extra time:
Weak students require special attention even after school hours or before school. But teachers are hesitating to give extra time to students after or before school hours. If a teacher tries to give just one extra hour to a weak student, then he will improve definitely.
     3 .  Increase confidence:

Some weak learners have a problem that they forget what they learn. Due to which some student loses confidence and they starts differentiating himself from good/clever students. Teachers give student tips on how to recall and how to write systematically.

       4.  Habit of study:
         To engage in habit of studying means that teachers can give questions and ask these questions to next day. That is just for practice that can be a child to learn on regular basis.

 5.  How recover mistakes:
          Mistakes are opportunities to learn and to improve successfully. How you can use   this mistake to learn something and try to make yourself better the next time.

   6.  Online Tutorials:
      Private tuition is expensive and habit of private tuition is bad.  Online tutorials are comparatively cheaper and help the student overcome the weaknesses.

   7.  Discuss problems with students:
      Discuss with the student about the possibility of failure. After discussion, realize problems and find out the solution on this.

   8.  Never passing grade:
      Never give a passing grade to a learner without earned. Without understand the     study give passing grade is incorrect.
   9.  Parents Responsibility:
      The most important part of weak students life that is parents responsibility is ask        to their child’s for which tutorials are give teacher. Home work is complete from        their child’s is big responsibility of parents. Ask child’s for writing and reading            extra study.
   10.   Improve ability to work within group:
      Divide students into 4 to 5 students of groups and ask each group to research a topic from the syllabus and present a Seminar method on it.  Mixing students of different abilities or varying language skills is useful. The quality of team leader is increases who is initiator of the group.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

How to choose right career?

Today’s, there are many education courses are available in the world. But most important thing is that which career is suitable for which student. After school arises different types of problems such as many people suggest many courses but right decision is makes our life easy. The right decision means that it depends on their hobbies and their interest. If we get test of ourselves for finding interest, then analysis for development of our self means analysis strength and weaknesses. Different kinds of education courses like Engineering, Medical, Law, Arts, Business etc.

    1.  Education:

Education is most important thing in day-to-day life. Today’s situation becomes very critical without education. If makes our easy life and standard life, then education is need.  Fulfill our basic requirement properly is most important thing.          

    2.  Everyone have Creativity:

If possible in finance is available for education, then everyone can achieve degree without practical experience, then those people cannot become successful person in their life. In today’s life, competition is arises again and again so creative new ideas is most important. Creative ideas use every company for rich the target and market depth.

    3.  Find Interest:

Interest of everyone is consider when choosing or starting career. Everyone’s have different interest or choices. One have interest in medical field, another have interest in engineering field and so on. When finding their interest, then go through with particular way. 

    4.  Achieve Goals:

Every person has different kinds of goals. But choose right way to achieve our goals. Goals will achieve successfully when choose right career for successful future. One of the goal is becomes a successful engineer, another is do some social activities and so on.

    5.  Take a Test:

Match our skills to the career that’s right for us. Take a test for finding interest in every person. One is interested in artistic, one is in mathematics, one is in science. The most important test to finding our goals or interest is write down our hobbies, strength and weakness on paper.

     6.  Ask to experts or experience person:

If we confuse when choosing career, then ask to experience people or experts that means ask to parents, older friends. They will be right way suggest you from their experience.

    7.  Be patient:

For right way to choose career patient is important thing. It takes time to develop our career, but setting goals and plan to achieve them can help you fulfill our career aspirations.

    8.  Set our Financial Goals:

Set financial goals means that how many money will achieve for future life or family life. For easy life, more money require for makes our beautiful life or future.

    9.  Try to Internship:

If you have flexibility when it comes to salary, then an internship will be a great way to test our self.  Due to Internship, arises our confident about particular career.  Obtain the right way about which career is comfortable for us.

     10.  Know the job market:

Which jobs are current in market is most important. The availability of good job opportunities is the very important elements in career decision making. The more dynamic and global character world of day-to-day life. Changes are done again and again. There are valuable studies on employment trends that can be an important resource in assessing future demand for specific careers.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Abacus learning online

The most calculating device is known as Abacus. It is use for fast mathematical calculation by use of hand, wooden frame, rods, and beads. Each rod represents a different place value—ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. Each bead represents a number, usually 1 or 5, and can be moved along the rods. Now-a-Days, Abacus is very popular and highly growing mathematical calculation tool in world. We can do different types of arithmetic operations such as Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.

Introduction of Abacus:
Abacus is a Latin word which has origins from the Greek words abax or abakon  which means table or a tablet. Due to Abacus Education brain capacity is increasing. Abacus education is divided the two-year course into four parts. It will be really easy for us to understand Abacus if a personal trainer is available through videos For Example- E-learning.
If you can practice Abacus exercises daily, then we have provided sufficient number of sheets and videos. Different levels of abacus are learning from tutorials. An abacus is a device used for addition and subtraction, and the related operations of multiplication and division. It does not require the use of pen and paper. There are two basic forms for the abacus: a specially marked flat surface used with counters (counting table) or a frame with beads strung on wires (bead frame).
The main goal of the Abacus education is to improve the brain power increases the brain skills of the children and remove the fear of Mathematics by making the arithmetic calculations easily and stress free. Use of abacus will be able to demonstrate various operations of the number system.

Importance of Abacus:
          It is difficult to imagine counting without numbers, but there was a time when written numbers not exist.
It also helps to teach young children perform their arithmetic calculations. Especially multiplication does lot of problem to young children.
The most important thing is in abacus is also used to teach blind children to perform arithmetical calculations.  
People who regularly perform calculations on abacus can perform them more quickly than other counter devices that perform those calculations on electronic calculators.

Difference between Calculator and Abacus:
The similarities between abacus and calculator are they are both calculating devices and they both can do all operations such as multiplication, division, subtraction, and addition.
Additionally, abacus calculation helps to develop mental concepts in numeric relationships, which is not happen in case of calculator.  
The abacus does not require electrical power and can be used under most physical conditions as compare to calculator.
The abacus does not require programming to perform trigonometry or other complex functions. The limitation of the abacus is based on the knowledge and ability of the operator.
Abacuses connected in series. This means that if large numeric values need to be calculated, then two or more abacuses can be joined and treated as one abacus. This is not done with calculator.
Abacus is very comfort than calculator because no any complex formulae are use.
Abacus is not electric it is made by wood, rod, and beads, but hand-held calculator is electric and some of the calculator use solar power. 
Abacus does not have number on it. It only has beads. But hand-held calculator has number on it.

Need of Abacus:
We need abacus because this is faster than other counter devices because it is need in fast life.
Now-a-Days, People does all tasks in shorter time.
Due to electronic devices, brain is not comes in working. Abacus increases the capacity. So, the brain makes sharp.
Due to abacus, Mental Functions like ability to memorize, ability concentration, ability to analyze, listening skills, creative intelligence.
Today’s children are makes very lazy because children are dependent on other things. In case of mathematics, they are dependent on readymade electronic calculator.

Benefits of Abacus:
1.     It is use for normal children aged 6 to 16.
2.      It helps to develop concentration, listening and creativity in the child.
3.     It Improves mental calculations.
4.     The basic operations such as + - x /are perfect from less edge.
5.     Abacus education increase concentration.
6.     If children solve mathematical problem, children become proud on his capacity, grow their confidence, dare to challenge with others.
      7. It Improves imaginary and visualization power.

Thursday, 1 October 2015


Now-a-Days, P.M Modi announced for “Digital India” to develop our nation in all fields. Due to that, There is huge scope for internet users. Everyone can access internet easily. So, Students are learn easily from home and homemade jobs are available who are not goes outside the home specially for ladies.

The term “e-learning” has only been in existence since 1999, when the word was first utilized at a CBT systems seminar. e-learning is a computer based educational tool or system that enables you to learn anywhere and at any time. Today e-learning is mostly delivered through the internet.
       Technology has advanced so much that the geographical gap is bridged with the use of tools that make you feel as we are sitting inside the  classroom.
 In E-learning, various kinds of formats such as videos, slideshows, word documents and PDFs are helps to learn easily. Conducting webinars (live online classes) and communicating with instructor via chat and a message forum is also an option available to users.
In recent years, what it actually means and how it can help them achieve success in both their professional and personal lives. E-learning provides the learners with the ability to fit learning around their lifestyles, effectively allowing the busiest person to further a career and gain new qualifications at a time. Message boards, social media and various other means of online communication allow learners. In e-learning fast and always changing and course content can and should be updated quickly to give students the very latest information.


1.   No Any Restrictions:
Along with locational restrictions, time is one of the issues that learners and teachers both have to face in learning. No. of members have the ability to participate in the area.

2.   Cost Effective:
This is directed to both learners and teachers, but there is a good chance that whatever your role you had to pay large amounts of money at some point to acquire updated versions of textbooks for school or college. E-learning is better than traditional learning about cost.

3.    Isolation:
Though e-learning offers ease, flexibility and the ability to remotely access a classroom in the student’s own time, learners may feel a sense of isolation.

4.   Use at Any location and any time :
E-learners can go through training sessions from anywhere, usually at anytime. E-learning is easily possible where internet facility is available.

5.   Moves Faster:
E-learning courses require less time period than traditional courses. It saves time up to 50 percent.  In Traditional learning, learners to skip material they already know and understand and move onto the issues they need training on.

6.   Easily Managed large no. of students:
There is no limit for large no of students or learners because in E-learning courses single trainer and multiple learners. Multiple no of students are learn at a time.

Difference Between Traditional learning and E-learning:
1.     Classroom Discussions:
     In Traditional learning, The teacher talks as much as more than         students. In E-learning, students talk as much as or more than teacher.

2.     Lesson Structure:
In traditional learning, The teacher declares the structure of the lesson and the division of time. In E-learning, The structure of the lesson is affected by the group dynamics.

3.     Motivation:
In Traditional learning, The students’ motivation is low, and the subject matter is far from them . In E-learning, The students’ motivation is high due to the involvement in matters that learn single session more and more.

4.     Learning Process:
In Traditional learning, The learning is conducted with the large no of students participating; there is almost no group or individual study. In E-learning, Most of the learning process takes place in groups or by the individual student.

5.     Teacher’s Role:
In Traditional learning ,The teacher is the authority. In E-learning, The teacher directs the student to the information.

Future of E-Learning :

E-learning is vastly grows increasingly. Internet connection speeds are increasing. With the large improvement of mobile networks in the past few years and the increase in telecommuting. Most of the use of Smartphone’s and other portable devices.  
It more effective and interestable. The result now being that there are a number of tools that help create interactive courses, standardize the learning process and formal learning processes. Several e-learning trends of learning tools will be improve in the future:
Micro-learning focuses on the design of micro-learning activities through micro-steps in digital media environments. Micro-learning is an important part because that avoids separate learning sessions. the learning process is in the daily routine of the user.  
Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in a non-game context to engage users and solve problems.
Personalized Learning is the use of individual learners. Personalization is affords the learner a degree of choice about what is learned, when it is learned and how it is learned.

Video Learning:

In Video learning, Faster internet connections and the increasing use of mobile phones and tablets with video capabilities some phones are less capacity and some are good capacity.
We are more used to learning via video now than ever before. If you want to watch a video on how to drive a car, how to apply for change in name gazette or bake a cake You only need to visit YouTube and there will be hundreds of videos available. We can watch education related videos. Due to video learning, Task is completed fast, step-by-step and successfully.
Parents are watch videos and learn to children. If we want to demonstrate something, then this is possible. Video also helps to add a feeling of personalization to a course. A video of the tutor giving a lecture helps the students to feel a connection to put a face to a name. Students are feel good and confident about self is increases.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

About Our Blog

Now-a-Days, Everyone can’t possible take sufficient time to different types of courses at a single time. In this fast and busy life, People want rich and successful person and it is dream of everyone. Education is most important part of our life because everything is inflation rate. One or more jobs are does at a single time. So, We are try to give some information to you related to online Education and Career through our blog 

       Online learning is the newest and most popular form of distance education today. There are many types of definition used to describe learning that is delivered online via the internet, electronic learning, online learning, internet learning and so on.  You can “electronically” raise your hand and interact in real time and mostly lecture has been prerecorded and some recorded lectures are animated video. There are always a teachers or professor interacting /communicating with you and grading your participation.
          Most of your online communication when you are signing up with the instructor and other students will take place online through email, message boards or chat room discussions. Some students use pre-packaged software to deliver class materials, tutorials and assignments to you, while others require traditional classroom time for exams or lab work.

        For online education and career system some programs are assign the particular schedule for example- Which course is at which time? How many time does particular job?  Many online courses related to healthcare, business, or computer science. If you want to work toward a bachelor degree or master degree, MBA or even a PhD. The career information of career website can be as simple as a single page which lists the vacancies in your company and how many openings are available

Distance learning, sometimes called e-learning. It is a formalized teaching and learning system specifically use for remotely by using electronic communication. E-Learning is learning utilizing electronic technology. In most cases, it refers to a course or degree delivered completely online. Distance learning is less expensive to support and it contains not large geographic considerations. E-learning is time consuming because it contains less time.

Benefits of Online Education and Career:
v Online education is less expensive than traditional learning.

v The ability to take classes when and where it’s convenient for you.

v It contains less geographic area.

v It is time consuming.

v We can learn one or more courses at a time.

v We can do one or more jobs at a time.