Saturday 13 February 2016

Blogging is best online job

Introduction of blog:

Blog is nothing but a website. Blogs contain short information, informal articles called as Blog post. These posts contain text, images, videos and so on. In blog, we can provide the information that is experiences, interests, extra knowledge and opinion.
 Blogs can be artistic, academic, professional, related to social media, bollywood, related to health etc. Every blog is a unique form of online publishing that opens opportunities for developing knowledge, research technique, building social networks, developing we are professional or due to documenting personal growth is increases.

Steps to create blog successfully:

We can create blog on no. of sites such as Blogger, Wordpress or any other site. Example of blogger is as follows:

Step 1: Sign in for blogger.

Step 2: Open Dashboard.

Step 3: After open Dashboard “New Blog” Button is shown. Click on it.

Step 4: Open blog list. Add blog title, blog address and template.

Step 5: In empty blog, we can create no. of posts under this blog.

Step 6: Create “New Post” and add information in it and publish it.

Tips to how to making best posts under blogs:

      1.     Write what is like you:
Write what is like you means that blog is artistic, professionally or either academically.  Every person like different things such as one is interested in cooking, one is interested in social media, one is interested in health etc.

      2.     Write what you are in mind:
Means that how to create and how to develop every posts is express in posts.

     3.     Every post is unique and different:
Every post is unique and different because in blog no one any information copy from another site or another blog.  so, think about how to our blog different from other or how to different ways to develop our blog.

     4.     Publish unique content:
Publish unique content means that blog title or post title may be attractive or easy to understand and unique. From title, describe the overall post. Make creative title.

     5.     Skill of photography:
If you want to develop your blog, then attractive images add in your blog. Due to pictures, your blog makes professional and attractive. It comes professional look.

     6.     In formatting, Do not change font, color:
From first to last posts every font left same do not change font and color. If you change font and color, then it looks not like professional. Easy to read blog for readers.

     7.     Important words are either Bold or Italic:
Important words or links make bold or italic because readers can focus on it and easy understand for readers. Title, subtitle, headings makes bold or italic.

    8.     Searching technique is right:
Blog takes lots of time to publish different posts. But the searching technique is good or right not waste of time in searching. Search right way to time consuming and develop your blog in less time. What exactly search for your blog or what you want to search information about blog is maintain.

Future of blogging:
          The future of blogging will be very different from current situation. That means very fast change in every things of blogging. Writing technique, ideas, thinks, tricks, formatting will be change in it. The contents will change. Fast growth of contents will important.
          In rich content, we can add audio, video multiple links to interlink with each other. Some diagrams will be added such as diagrammatically changes will be done. We will require more study and think more about particular blog contents.

Every content will unique every time but increase the competition in whose blog is best one?  So, we want to search and creative ideas will develop in different ways. We require attractive changes in every post because people will focus on it and popular and develop your blog.

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